Sixteen Small Stones

LDS Scriptures Online in German, French, Spanish and Italian

The LDS Church has made the electronic versions of the Book for Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and the Church’s Scripture Study Guide available for free on the website at in German , French , Spanish , and Italian .

Unlike the English version that had long been available online, these version do not include the Old or New Testaments, likely due to copyright constraints.

One great feature is the ability to switch between languages. If you are viewing a particular chapter in one language and want to switch to another, just click on the language in the upper right hand corner of the page and a little drop down list of available languages will pop up. Just select the language you want and the chapter will switch to that language.

When I was trying to learn Spanish as a missionary, I found it very helpful to read The Book of Mormon with an English copy side by side with a Spanish copy. With these new electronic versions, practicing this way is easier than ever before.

According to the LDSWebGuy blog more languages are on the way.

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