Sixteen Small Stones

Professor Kathleen Flake joins the On Faith blog

For some months now, brother Michael Otterson, who is the media relations director for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has been participating as a blogger on the Washington Post / Newsweek religious blog On Faith . Each week or so the blog hosts pose a question to the panelists, who represent various religious and spiritual groups, and each has the opportunity to post an answer from the point of view of their faith.

Sister Kathleen Flake, who is a professor of American religious history at Vanderbilt University, has now joined the blog as well as a second Latter-day Saint.

Brother Otterson has been subject to an unbelievable amount of negativity from anti-Mormons, former latter-day saints, and dissident apostates in the comment section of the blog where every post, regardless of topic, was seen by them as an opportunity to prove the church is false, or the Brethren wrong on this topic or that.

It will be interesting to see how they interact with sister Flake. I’m sure she has some great insights to share from a latter-day saint point of view.

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