Sixteen Small Stones

MP3s of LDS General Conference 2006

If you missed a talk or two, or even a whole session of the Semi-Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this past weekend, each public session is available for download in mp3 format from KSL . They also offer a podcast that you can subscribe to with iTunes or a similar program.

The mp3s for a session usually become available within an hour or two of the end of the session, but this year they had some technical difficulties and they are only becoming available now.

If you weren’t able to listen during the broadcast, or if you would like to review a certain talk, you can download and listen to the whole thing at your own convenience.

I will update this post to link directly to the mp3 files as they become available:

Saturday Morning Session

Saturday Afternoon Session

Sunday Morning Session

Sunday Afternoon Session

The mp3s of last April’s Conference are available here

UPDATE: mp3s of each session as well as mp3s of each individual talk in the conference are now available from the church’s official website. They are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese . I have changed the links above to point to these urls instead of KSL.

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